the purpose of a system is what it does
POSIWID presents my first (last?) video work, titled Zanana - White Peace, and a series of wall works respectively called; Delible (blackberry), Delible (wheat), Delible (poppy), Delible (watermelon), Delible (walnut). The show is a response to a year of grinding dissonance felt watching a genocide unfold under the auspices of a culture that protects my privilege, and selectively, my body. It focusses on the ways the moral impoverishment that is required to permit this violence shows up in my culture.
Zanana – White Peace is especially about the state leveraging fear for white womens’ and girls’ bodily safety as a tool to manufacture consent. The constant, humming billboards say the wage for my freedom is their subjugation, and any refusal of this is a descent into a barbarism that is always tacitly male, always tacitly brown, always wanting to take what I have, never mind what I know about who actually does the taking. Incredulously, I am asking: WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?
The Delibles are a processing of the mass debilitation of all – entwined - means of life in Gaza; earth, air, water, bodies and minds, and seeing these things mirrored in the ongoing genocide of Indigenous peoples here on Turtle Island.
This is the work that I could make right now, however incongruent it is with my practice in general. The video is comprised of some original footage, but mostly footage scraped from social media. Much of the TikTok footage was created through live, pay-to-play interactions with people making some living in the ways people do now. The other footage shows representations of less direct forms and agents of capital exchange; those who are permitted innocence, and those who are not. The audio is an AI dramatization of White House press briefings around the murder of 6 year-old Palestinian Hind Rajab and her family, with very little editorial liberty taken, and no additions or interpretations. The Delibles work with a felt sense of materials whose reproductive capacity has been stripped, that are mute and uncompromisingly lifeless, that have been un-homed from their nature.
Some part of this work is me reaching out to see if the sound of the drone in my head is also something you can hear, and is it doing to you what it has done to me?